May 16, 2010

Camera Art reveals the 2010-11 Senior Rep Program

As a senior rep for our studio, you will help get people excited about having their senior portrait sessions done by Camera Art. Our Senior Reps represent themselves in a professional manner and assist in the promotion and advertising for our studio’s high school seniors marketing campaign.

In exchange for your efforts and hard work, you will be rewarded with a complimentary Renaissance portrait session of your own and earn credits towards the Renaissance Collection and additional Uniquities. Our Senior Rep Application is now available. Please call or email for more information. We only allow two reps from each high school. Here are some of the details...

As a senior rep, you will receive $50 in print credit towards the purchase of any portrait collection. Earn additional print credits as follows: $50 print credit for each of your rep cards turned in by a fellow student who books and pays for a Masters Session; $30 print credit for each of your rep cards turned in by a fellow student who books and pays for an Expressionist Session; and $20 print credit for each rep card turned in by a fellow student who books and pays for a Renaissance Session; $5 print credit for each of your rep cards turned in by a fellow student who books and pays for a Basic Session.

There are more bonuses and credits to earn. Please call for more information and an application.

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